At the +PRCRS, we strive to promote the development of scholarly and professional excellence, providing opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, while cultivating personal responsibility and interpersonal effectiveness.

Jesus Christ drives and supports our personal commitment to excellence, the sharing of the Gospel, and commitment to creating disciples who are active ministers of God’s Word, and scholars "for the love of learning."

The the +Peter Riola Center for Religious Studies (+PRCRS) serves as a biblical learning center available to all individuals "for the love of learning" modeled after its founder, Bishop Peter Riola, who founded the SAHS in 1992, over 32 years ago.

St. Alcuin House Seminary




St. Alcuin House Seminary is still open and accepting student applications for the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program. All other graduate degree programs previously offered by SAHS will no longer be available to new students.

All currently enrolled students will have until December 31, 2025 to complete their graduate paper. After that date, all students who have not completed their graduate studies will be disenrolled and dropped from their respective programs. If you desire to continue you Doctoral program after December 31, 2025 , please contact Dr. Zerai Gebrehiwot at the Pathfinders Christian University.

If there are any questions regarding the completion of your SAHS degree program, please don’t hesitate to contact Dean Lawrence at the SAHS Link below:


The online program is a free, non-denominational self-study experience. Working online allows the student to work independently and grow as a person, professional, and most importantly as a minister of God's Word. Students from every nation and denomination are welcome to study and conduct their research online using the tools available at the PRCRS. These online courses are structured to the particular needs of the student and their ministry. There are no tuition fees for these programs. Offering these online programs is an ongoing part of our outreach ministry.

SAHS Method of Tutorial Study

This style of learning is defined by small group or paired tuition, taught in the Socratic method, a teaching style that involves a series of open-ended questions to help students develop critical thinking skills and evaluate their own beliefs: with an emphasis on independent study. It allows us to work with you as an individual and support you in cultivating your confidence, critical thinking, ability to work with others, effective oral and written communication and independent learning skills.

A tutorial session itself can take the shape of a debate on aspects of literature, collaborative microscopy work, an analysis of a mathematical problem, a discussion of philosophical thought—and many other forms. One of the core benefits of the tutorial method is that tutorials can be individualized to each student and are shaped by the lively exchange of ideas between a unique pairing of tutor and tutee. Assuming students come well-prepared, these sessions encourage students to discover—literally to un-cover—truths that are waiting to be revealed by their own unique intellect. There is no telling what the course or outcome of the discussion will be.

Master of Divinity Program

Master of Divinity (MDiv) The Master of Divinity degree program at St. Alcuin House Theological Seminary is normally completed over the course of three academic years. It is a first professional theological degree primarily intended for persons seeking to serve vocationally in a local church.

Admissions, Tuition and Associate Schools

Applications are now being accepted for the Master of Divinity program. All course requirements listed above can be found in the Current Course Catalog link below. As always, these courses are free of charge to all students and those who are participating in the independent study program at the +Peter Riola Center For Religious Studies.

Students of St. Alcuin House Theological Seminary who seek degree accreditation can utilize our “Associate School” affiliations with the Minnesota Graduate School of Theology or the Pathfinder Christian University to do so. The MNGST offers a fully accredited, comprehensive curriculum of “Elective” courses to all SAHS students at an exceptionally affordable tuition.  


VIDEO LIBRARY OF ALL COURSES (select “Playlists”): Current Courses

Resources: Links